UC IPM Home > Homes, Gardens, Landscapes, and Turf > Quick Tips > Beneficial Predators
Pests in Gardens and Landscapes: Quick Tips
Beneficial Predators

Protect beneficial predators or “natural enemies” by avoiding pesticides that kill them; choosing plants that provide them pollen, nectar, and shelter; and keeping ants out of pest-infested plants. Common predators that eat outdoor pests are pictured below.
 Convergent lady beetle adults (left) and most reddish lady beetle species prefer aphids. Their larvae (right) prefer aphids but sometimes eat whiteflies and other soft-bodied insects. |
 Lady beetle eggs are oblong, widest in their middle, usually yellowish or orange, and can be laid in groups or individually. |
 Soldier beetle adults eat mostly aphids. Their soil-dwelling larvae eat beetle and moth eggs and larvae. |
 Green lacewing adults (left) eat nectar and pollen. Some species also eat insects. Lacewing larvae (right) feed on mites, eggs, and small insects, especially aphids. |
 Green lacewing eggs are laid on slender stalks in groups (as shown here) or individually, depending on the species. |

Spiders, including this crab spider, attack all types of insects. |

Syrphid fly (flower fly, hover fly) adults eat pollen and nectar and resemble honey bees and wasps. The larvae (right) eat mostly aphids but also soft-bodied mealybugs, psyllids, and whiteflies. |
 Predaceous ground beetle adults (left) stalk soil-dwelling insects, such as cutworms and root maggots. Their larvae (right) live on soil and in litter, feeding on almost any invertebrate. |

Assassin bugs attack almost any insect. |
 Pirate bugs attack mites and any tiny insect, especially thrips. |

Western predatory mites attack pest mites. |
Sixspotted thrips attack mostly mites. |
Predatory wasps, such as this paper wasp, prey on caterpillars and other insects. |

Praying mantids may control pests, but they also eat other beneficials. |
Minimize the use of pesticides that pollute our waterways. Use nonchemical alternatives or less toxic pesticide products whenever possible. Read product labels carefully and follow instructions on proper use, storage, and disposal.