How to Manage PestsUC Pest Management Guidelines
Dry BeansBlack Root RotPathogen: Thielaviopsis basicola(Reviewed 8/07, updated 8/07) In this Guideline: SYMPTOMS AND SIGNSThis disease occurs on blackeyes as well as on other dry bean types. Brown to black necrotic tissue develops on the below ground stems and roots. Fissures often develop in necrotic cortex tissue. Using a compound microscope the fungus can be identified in diseased tissue by the production of dark chlamydospores. COMMENTS ON THE DISEASEThe fungus survives over a year in soil as chlamydospores. In blackeyes, Thielaviopsis basicola appears to be active on affected roots throughout the growing season. MANAGEMENTLong-term crop rotation to nonsusceptible crops such as grasses may help to reduce soil inoculum. Avoiding excess irrigation or long drought stress may help. PUBLICATION
UC IPM Pest Management Guidelines:
Beans Diseases
C. A. Frate (emeritus), UC Cooperative Extension, Tulare County Acknowledgment for contributions to Diseases:A. E. Hall (emeritus), Botany and Plant Sciences, UC RiversideR. M. Davis (emeritus), Plant Pathology, UC Davis R. L. Gilbertson, Plant Pathology, UC Davis S. R. Temple (emeritus), Plant Sciences, UC Davis |