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- Grass Family: Poaceae
Junglerice (Echinochloa colona)
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Junglerice is a clumping summer annual grass. It is widely distributed in California and its range is expanding. Junglerice is found in the Central Valley, San Francisco Bay region, western South Coast ranges, southern Sierra Nevada foothills, southwestern region, and Sonoran Desert to about 300 feet (100 m). Junglerice inhabits summer-irrigated crop fields and other disturbed, moist sites. It germinates throughout the summer.
Summer-irrigated crop fields, margins of ponds and rice fields, pastures, orchards, vineyards, landscaped areas, and other disturbed moist areas.
Leaves are grayish or dull green and sometimes have banding. Seedling leaves resemble those of the mature plant.
Mature plant
Mature junglerice plants are prostrate or erect and range from about 2 to 3 feet (60–90 cm) in length or height. The species is highly variable. Leaves are rolled in the bud. Leaf blades are flat and usually have a hairless upper surface. They are about 1-1/5 to 8 inches (3–22 cm) long and often have purplish banding. These purple bands are what distinguish junglerice from similar looking barnyardgrass, dallisgrass and crabgrass. Stems are hairless except for hairs at the stem joints (nodes).
Collar region
There are no ligules or auricles.
Flowers bloom from June through October. The flower heads are about 1-1/5 to 6 inches (3–15 cm) long, with short, compact branches.
Reproduces by seed.
Related or similar plants
- Barnyardgrass, Echinochloa crus-galli
- Dallisgrass, Paspalum dilatatum
- Crabgrass, Digitaria spp.
More information
- Grass ID illustration
- Calflora's distribution map
- For agriculture: UC IPM Pest Management Guidelines