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Photo ID Page
Thrips Pest Note Photo ID Page
Pest Thrips and Their Damage in California Gardens and Landscapes
Click on photos to enlarge

Avocado thrips adult |

Avocado thrips larvae |

Avocado thrips fruit scarring |

Bean thrips adults |

Bean thrips larva |

Bean thrips leaf bleaching and fecal specks |

Citrus thrips adult |

Citrus thrips larvae |

Citrus thrips fruit scarring |

Cuban laurel thrips adult |

Cuban laurel thrips egg and larva |

Cuban laurel thrips leaf gall |

Greenhouse thrips adult |

Greenhouse thrips larvae |

Greenhouse thrips leaf bleaching and feces |

Myoporum thrips adults Photo by Gevork Arakelian

Myoporum thrips prepupa Photo by Gevork Arakelian

Myoporum thrips galling Photo by Los Angeles County Department of Agriculture

Onion thrips adult |

Onion thrips leaf stippling |

Terminals distorted by toyon thrips feeding |

Western flower thrips adult |

Western flower thrips larvae |

Western flower thrips petal necrosis and distortion |
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