How to Manage Pests

Pests in Gardens and Landscapes

Nutrient deficiencies

Deficiencies can cause foliage to discolor, fade, distort, or become spotted. Fewer leaves, flowers, and fruit may be produced, and these may develop later than normal and remain undersized. Commercial laboratories can conduct foliage tests or soil analysis to verify deficiencies. Typical symptoms vary among vegetable species.

Nitrogen-deficient potato plant
Nitrogen-deficient potato plant

Older leaves are yellowish; new growth sparse, undersized; plants grow slowly and foliage may drop

Zinc-deficient potato
Zinc-deficient potato

Leaves are yellow or purplish; new growth may be stunted or delayed, small or narrow

Iron-deficient tomato
Iron-deficient tomato
New foliage is small and yellowish, although green along veins; dead spots may develop between veins or on leaf tips.

Phosphorus-deficient tomato
Phosphorus-deficient tomato
Seedlings grow slowly and have purple leaves; symptoms seldom appear on mature plants

Potassium-deficient tomato
Potassium-deficient tomato
Leaf tissue between the main veins turns yellow while the leaves remain green; leaves may roll and edges may burn

Statewide IPM Program, Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California
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Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California

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