How to Manage Pests

Pests in Gardens and Landscapes

Planting carrots

Carrots should not be transplanted; it does too much damage to the root. They must be direct seeded in the garden. Carrot seeds are very small. They should be planted on raised beds made by adding large amounts of sifted compost or other soil amendments so that a bed is established above the previous level of soil. Plant seeds about 0.75 to 1 inch apart in the row with the rows being about 12 to 16 inches apart. At each place a plant is desired, scatter six to eight seeds on moist soil. Plant a greater stand than necessary so as to make up for any losses from insects such as cutworms. Plant shallowly, less than 0.25-inch deep. Keep the soil surface moist, and don't allow it to crust during seedling emergence. Do not sprinkle the soil unless using a hose-end fogger; use a drip tube instead. Seedlings are weak and if disturbed, don't recover well. Some gardeners cover the seed row with silica sand to ensure good soil contact. Once emerged, thin seedlings to 0.75 inch to 2 inches apart depending upon root size. You may need to thin successively, over a period of several weeks, until your row has evenly spaced plants. Carrots may also be intercropped with lettuce and parsley.

Carrot planting

Statewide IPM Program, Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California
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Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California

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