UC IPM Home > Homes, Gardens, Landscapes, and Turf > Vegetables > Cultural Tips
How to Manage Pests
Pests in Gardens and Landscapes
Watering cucurbits
Cucurbits may be grown under drip, sprinkler, or furrow irrigation. Avoid wetting the foliage or
fruit with overhead watering. When direct seeding, the beds should be irrigated until completely
wet. After the seedlings emerge, water when moisture is being depleted from the soil. Apply water
to 1-foot depth to insure deeper rooting. If plants are stressed for water when they start to set
fruit, the melons will be small and rot will increase. In squash, water stress will result in deformed
fruit. If plants get too much water, it may cause fruit to split. | 
a hose or drip tape between rows of plants

irrigation |