How to Manage Pests

Pests in Gardens and Landscapes

Time to plant

Green beans, such as snap beans, require moderately warm weather and soil temperatures of 60° F or higher. In cooler soil, seeds rot quickly and growth is retarded. Also, at temperatures below 60° F, plants can be injured or killed by light frosts. Optimum temperatures for germination, growth, and good yields are from 65° to 85° F. Exceptions to this are the lima beans, which prefer even higher temperatures, beginning at 70° F. Fava beans are more tolerant of frosts and can be planted earlier for earlier harvests.

Beans are suitable for a small garden if compact varieties are grown. In a suitable climate, snap beans can be planted more than once a year for a continuous harvest.

Planting Dates for Beans*

California Direct Seed
North and North Coast
(Monterey County north )


South Coast
(San Luis Obispo County South)
Interior Valleys
(Sacramento, San Joaquin valleys)
Desert Valleys
(Imperial and Coachella valleys)

*Areas are large, so planting dates are only approximate, as the climate may vary even in small sections of the state. Contact experienced gardeners in your community and experiment on your own to find more precise dates.

Statewide IPM Program, Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California
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Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California

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