UC IPM Home > Homes, Gardens, Landscapes, and Turf > Vegetables > Cultural Tips
How to Manage Pests
Pests in Gardens and Landscapes
Planting beans
It is best to direct seed beans into the garden. Germination
will occur within about 10 to 15 days if soil temperatures
are around 60° F. They should be planted on raised
beds, made by adding large amounts of sifted compost
or other soil amendments so that a bed is established
above the previous level of soil. Plant the seed only
after the danger of frost has past. Seed should be sown
about 1-inch deep in rows spaced about 2 feet apart.
Bush beans may be planted closer but should not be crowded.
In wide raised beds, plant two rows on either side of
the bed with 18 inches between the rows. Thin the seedlings
so that, once established, they are 6 inches apart within
the row. For pole varieties, plant adjacent to a trellis
that is 6 to 10 feet tall. Sow seeds 1-inch deep and
4 inches apart on both sides of the trellis. Thin to
6 inches apart once established. Young seedlings can
be protected with cloth until they have about 6 leaves.
This helps protect the beans from seedling pests such
as flea beetles, vegetable weevils, leafminers, snails,
and slugs. It may also protect them from birds. |  |