How to Manage Pests

Pests in Gardens and Landscapes

Viburnum—Viburnum spp.
Family Caprifoliaceae (Honeysuckle family)

Plant identification

Viburnums are part of a large and diverse group of evergreen and deciduous plants grown as small trees and shrubs. They are often identified with large fragrant flower clusters and brilliantly colored fruits. Deciduous types are generally grown for their flowers and evergreen types are grown for their lovely foliage. They are useful as hedges, screens, specimen small trees, or specimen flowering shrubs.

Optimum conditions for growth

Many viburnums are adapted to a wide range of climate zones and soil types. They generally tolerate alkaline and acidic soils. They do best in heavy rich soils with regular summer water. They look best with some shade from afternoon sun in hot inland valleys. Prune to prevent legginess after bloom.

Viburnum flowers
Flowers of Viburnum

Pests and disorders of Viburnum spp.



Diseases (cont.)

Environmental disorders



Statewide IPM Program, Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California
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