IPM Home > Homes, Gardens, Landscapes, and Turf > Trees and Shrubs > Tamarisk
How to Manage Pests
Pests in Gardens and Landscapes
Tamarisk—Tamarix spp.*
Family Tamaricaceae (Tamarisk family)
Plant identification
Tamarisks are deciduous trees or shrubs. Leaves and flowers are tiny. Flowers are white, ink, or purple and form in clusters at the ends of branches in spring or summer. Roots are often aggressive, and tamarisk can be invasive, displacing native vegetation.
*Some species of Tamarix are invasive weeds. Other types of plants may be better choices when planting.
Optimum conditions for growth
Tamarisks can be grown as hedges or as windbreaks. They do best in areas with full sun and require little, no, or moderate amounts of water. They require good drainage. They can grow well in saline soils and in windy areas such as on seacoasts. Prune shrubs to the ground yearly and prune out dead or broken branches on trees.
Pests and disorders of Tamarix spp.
Environmental disorders

Tamarix sp. |