Salvia, Sage—Salvia spp.
Family Lamiaceae (Mint family)
Plant IdentificationSalvia is the largest genus in the mint family and includes evergreen or deciduous shrubs, perennials, biennials, and annuals. Foliage is often fragrant, stems are square, and two-lipped flowers are produced in whorls on flower stalks. Flower stalks may be crowded and appear like a dense spike. Flowers bloom in many colors including white, yellow, pink, red, lavender, blue, and purple. Sages attract hummingbirds, bees, and butterflies.
Optimum conditions for growthSages grow best in areas with full sun and good air circulation. Plant in good soil. If soil is heavy, add organic matter. Provide regular water and good drainage. Prune lightly during the growing season to shape plants. Pruning before bloom will delay flowering.

Flowers of Bee's bliss hybrid sage
Pests and disorders of Salvia spp.
Environmental disorders
Leaves and new flowers of Berggarten culinary sage |