IPM Home > Homes, Gardens, Landscapes, and Turf > Trees and Shrubs > Quince
How to Manage Pests
Pests in Gardens and Landscapes
Quince—Chaenomeles spp.
Family Rosaceae (Rose family)
Plant IdentificationQuince is an easy-to-grow deciduous shrub. Some species grow wide while others are compact and grow low to the ground. Young leaves are reddish, becoming shiny green when mature. Single or double flowers are produced in colors such as pink, apricot, red, orange, coral, salmon, white or purple. Blossoms attract birds. Many plants are thorny. Small fruit forms after bloom.
Optimum conditions for growthQuince is pretty indestructible and often grown as hedges and barriers. It does best in areas with full sun and can tolerate both extremely hot and cold temperatures. It can grow well in light and heavy soil and requires moderate to heavy amounts of water. Prune at bloom time to shape or limit growth.
 Blossom of Stanford flowering quince
Pests and disorders of Chaenomeles spp.
Environmental disorders
 Foliage of Stanford flowering quince