IPM Home > Homes, Gardens, Landscapes, and Turf > Trees and Shrubs > Persimmon
How to Manage Pests
Pests in Gardens and Landscapes
Persimmon—Diospyros spp.
Family Ebenaceae (Ebony family)
Plant IdentificationThere are two kinds of persimmons grown in the West: the American persimmon and the Japanese or Oriental persimmon. Both are deciduous fruit trees. American persimmons have checkered gray-brown bark. Leaves are broad and oval, green in spring and turning yellow, pink, or red in the fall. Fruit is yellow or orange and ripens in early fall. The Asian species has oval and leathery leaves. Leaves turn yellow, red, or orange in the fall. Orange or scarlet fruit forms after leaves drop.
Optimum conditions for growthPersimmons are good shade trees. The Japanese persimmon is often grown for ornamental use. Persimmons do well in areas with full sun. They are tolerant of many soil types but require good drainage. Prune young trees to establish the framework. In established trees, prune out suckers or dead wood. Water regularly and avoid overferilizing.

Leaves of persimmon
Pests and disorders of Diospyros spp.
Environmental disorders