Nandina, heavenly bamboo, sacred bamboo—Nandina domestica
Family Berberidaceae (Barberry family)
Plant IdentificationNandina is a somewhat slow-growing evergreen or semievergreen shrub. Plants have canelike stems, resembling bamboo, and lacelike foliage. Leaves are divided into oval leaflets. New growth is pink or red, turning green and then becoming purplish, bronze, or red into the fall and winter. Clusters of pink, white, or cream blossoms form at the end of spring or beginning of summer. Red berries form after bloom.
Optimum conditions for growthNandina is often planted as hedges, screens, and in pots and tubs. Small varieties may make good ground cover. Nandina does well in areas with full sun but needs some shade in the hottest climates. Plant in rich soil, and provide regular amounts of water. Prune out old canes each year to encourage dense foliage at the base of the plant.

Red berries and foliage of heavenly bamboo
Pests and disorders of Nandina domestica
Environmental disorders

Blossoms of heavenly bamboo

Leaves and red berries of heavenly bamboo