IPM Home > Homes, Gardens, Landscapes, and Turf > Trees and Shrubs > Mountain ash
How to Manage Pests
Pests in Gardens and Landscapes
Mountain ash—Sorbus spp. Family Rosaceae (Rose family)
Plant Identification
Mountain ashes are attractive deciduous trees and shrubs. Leaves are somewhat fernlike and may turn yellow, reddish, or orange in fall. Blossoms form in flat clusters all over the canopy in spring. In late summer and early fall, hanging clusters of berrylike fruit form. Fruit may be red, orange, white, pink, or gold and can make a mess on paved surfaces.
Optimum conditions for growth
Mountain ashes are often grown as garden plants or street trees. They do well in areas with full sun or light shade and some winter chill. Plant in well-drained soil and provide moderate to regular amounts of water.

Mountain ash leaves and clusters of blossoms
Pests and disorders of Sorbus spp.
Environmental disorders