IPM Home > Homes, Gardens, Landscapes, and Turf > Trees and Shrubs > Lantana
How to Manage Pests
Pests in Gardens and Landscapes
Lantana—Lantana spp.
Family Verbenaceae (Verbena family)
Plant IdentificationLantana is a fast-growing evergreen shrub. Leaves have rough or toothed edges. Flowers form in clusters and come in many different colors including white, red, yellow, orange, and purple.
Optimum conditions for growthLantana is often grown as ground cover or in pots, raised beds, hanging baskets, or window boxes. It does well in areas with full sun and requires moderate amounts of water. Plants may be killed by heavy freezes. Prune to remove dead wood. Don’t apply too much fertilizer or water or bloom may be decreased.

Lantana leaves and blossoms
Pests and disorders of Lantana spp.
Environmental disorders