IPM Home > Homes, Gardens, Landscapes, and Turf > Trees and Shrubs > Ivy
How to Manage Pests
Pests in Gardens and Landscapes
Ivy, Algerian ivy, English ivy—Hedera spp.*
Family Araliaceae (Ginseng family)
Plant Identification
Ivy is a fast-growing evergreen vine with a tendency to become invasive. Leaves are thick and leathery and usually lobed. Older plants develop thick branches and produce clusters of greenish flowers and black berries.
*Some species of Hedera are invasive weeds or woody weed invaders. Other types of plants may be better choices when planting.
Optimum conditions for growth
Ivy is often planted as ground cover or trained to climb on fences, walls, or trellises. Ivy should be planted in the spring or in the fall if winters aren’t too cold. It prefers areas with full sun but needs some shade in very hot climates. Plants need moderate to regular amounts of water. Fertilize regularly. Prune back often so that ivy does not get out of control.

English ivy
Pests and disorders of Hedera spp.
Environmental disorders