IPM Home > Homes, Gardens, Landscapes, and Turf > Trees and Shrubs > Eugenia
How to Manage Pests
Pests in Gardens and Landscapes
Eugenia (Australian brush cherry) Syzygium paniculatum
Family Myrtaceae (Myrtle family)
Plant identification
Eugenia is an evergreen shrub or tree that grows
to 30 to 50 feet. This species is handsome as a clipped hedge,
multitrunked tree or screen. Compact and dwarf forms are available.
Optimum conditions for growth
Eugenia can grow in several different climatic
zones but can be damaged in areas where temperatures fall below
25° F. It is not frost tolerant. It does best in full sun to
part shade and requires regular summer irrigation. Well-drained
soils are desirable.

Red new leaves and green older foliage of Australian brush
Pests and disorders of Syzygium paniculatum
Environmental disorders