IPM Home > Homes, Gardens, Landscapes, and Turf > Trees and Shrubs > Bush morning glory
How to Manage Pests
Pests in Gardens and Landscapes
Bush morning glory, Silver bush—Convolvulus
cneorum Family Convolvulaceae (Morning glory family)
Plant Identification
Bush morning glory is a fast-growing evergreen shrub. Leaves are smooth, silvery, and lance-shaped. Funnel-shaped white or light pink flowers with yellow centers form in late spring and summer.
Optimum conditions for growth
Bush morning glory prefers full sun but can tolerate some shade. Plants prefer light soil, moderate amounts of water, and good, fast drainage. Prune regularly to keep plant renewed.
 Flower buds of bush morning glory
Pests and disorders of Convolvulus cneorum
Environmental disorders
 Silvery leaves of bush morning glory