IPM Home > Homes, Gardens, Landscapes, and Turf > Trees and Shrubs > Aucuba
How to Manage Pests
Pests in Gardens and Landscapes
Aucuba—Aucuba japonica
Gold-dust plant, Gold spot aucuba, Japanese aucuba
Family Cornaceae (Dogwood family)
Plant Identification
Aucuba japonica is an evergreen shrub with many varieties available. Leaves are dark green and toothed, sometimes with yellow spots. Flowers are tiny and maroon in color. If both male and female varieties are planted, plants will produce bright red berries.
Optimum conditions for growth
Aucubas are planted in planters or in containers. They do well in light soils with moderate to regular amounts of water. Aucubas require partial shade in very hot areas and can do well in fully shaded areas.

Green leaves with yellow spots
Pests and disorders of Aucuba japonica
Environmental disorders