How to Manage Pests

Pests in Gardens and Landscapes

Relative Susceptibility of Ceanothus Species and Cultivars to the Ceanothus Stem Gall Moth

Not infested

Ceanothus americanus, C. cuneatus, C. foliosus, C. gloriosus, C. gloriosus exaltatus, C. impressus, C. insularis, C. jepsonii, C. masonii, C. megacarpus, C. papillosus, C. parryi, C. prostratus, C. purpureus, C. ramulosus fascicularis, C. rigidus albus, C. spinosus, C. verrucosus, 'Blue Cloud', 'Lester Rowntree'

Lightly infested

C. aboreus, C. diversifolius, C. integerrimus, C. lemmonii, C. leucodermis, C. lobbianus oliganthus, 'Concha', 'Mary Lake', 'Mountain Haze', 'Royal Blue', 'Sierra Blue', 'Treasure Island'

Moderately infested

C. cyaneus, C. thyrsiflorus, 'Marie Simon', 'Ray Hartman'

Severely infested

C. griseus, C. griseus horizontalis

Source: Munro, J. A. 1963. Biology of the cean­othus stem-gall moth, Periploca ceanothiella, with consideration of its control. Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera 1:183?190.

Statewide IPM Program, Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California
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