UC IPM Home > Homes, Gardens, Landscapes, and Turf > Fruits and Nuts > Environmental
How to Manage Pests
Pests in Gardens and Landscapes
Low temperature injury to strawberries
Low temperatures can kill flowers or cause the development of misshapen fruit, depending on the severity
of chilling and the stage of flower development when it occurs. Cold, dry weather in the fall may interfere
with flower bud development, causing fruit to form multiple tips the following spring.
Temperatures below about 60°F during flowering may prevent pollination of some simple, one-seeded fruits, resulting in distorted, "catfaced" berries. The damage appears identical to the catfacing caused by lygus bugs, but lygus bug damage occurs in late spring and early summer and low-temperature injury symptoms develop in early to mid-spring.
Sprinkler irrigation used when temperatures are expected to be below freezing can help minimize frost
injury. |
distortion caused by low temperatures