How to Manage Pests

Pests in Gardens and Landscapes

Watering caneberries

Berries require a lot of water but can be damaged by standing water on the soil surface, especially in early spring. Irrigation is usually required, with the frequency depending upon the soil texture and climate. Moisture is critical when fruit is ripening and also when flower buds form. Avoid overhead watering during the ripening stage because it may encourage fruit rot. When there is no rainfall, berries need about 1 inch of water per week. In warm climate areas, irrigate every 7 to 10 days in summer with light irrigations every 3 to 4 days during the harvest period. In coastal regions, only 3 to 4 irrigations may be required up to harvest. Continue to irrigate after the harvest to ensure the development of new canes.

Irrigation tips

Overhead irrigation is not recommended because it promotes fruit rot and leaf rust and other disease problems. The best irrigation systems are minisprinklers or double drip lines that have numerou emitters that wet an entire band underneath the foliage. Keep the plants moist at all times without soaking and rotting the roots. A trickle hose may also work well.


Statewide IPM Program, Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California
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Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California

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