How to Manage Pests

Pests in Gardens and Landscapes


Sunburn injury can affect both apples and pears. Symptoms are yellow or flushed areas on the fruit surface. With severe damage, injured areas turn dark while the fruit is still on the tree and surface cracks develop at the site. More commonly, damage is less severe and appears as small, yellow spots that are easily overlooked at harvest. When fruit is stored, these injured areas often turn dark brown. Sunburn on trunks can provide entry sites for borers.


Prevent sunburn damage by keeping a healthy leaf canopy with proper tree training and pruning. Paint trees with whitewash or use tree wraps when first planted and provide adequate irrigation to protect trunks in early years.

Sunburned apple fruit
Sunburned apple fruit

Statewide IPM Program, Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California
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