Pest identification and
confirmation—Viruses on strawberries
aphids Crinkle
Transmitted by the strawberry aphid. Some strains
can cause severe loss of vigor and yield. Symptoms
are more intense when mottle or vein banding virus
is also present.
Necrotic shock
Caused by tobacco streak virus. Spread in pollen and
from wild hosts by unknown vectors. Causes a yellow
mottling and asymmetrical distortion of the emerging
banding Spread by the strawberry aphid. No visible symptoms
are caused by vein banding alone. In the presence of
other viruses, especially crinkle virus, it causes
a yellowing of the main leaf veins. Symptoms are masked
when mottle virus is present.
Strawberry mottle virus
Spread by the strawberry and melon aphids. Causes
no visible symptoms by itself but, when other viruses
such as strawberry crinkle are present, leaves are
stunted and distorted, turn yellow at the edges, and
curl into a cup shape. Older leaves turn red prematurely.