UC IPM Home > Homes,
Gardens, Landscapes, and Turf > Fruits
and Nuts > Cultural Tips
How to Manage Pests
Pests in Gardens and Landscapes
fruit and nut trees
Fruit and nut trees require consistent, uniform soil
moisture. Water is very important for young trees, especially
during the first year when the root system is developing.
Stress during early growth or during fruit production
will reduce yields and fruit quality and may make trees
more susceptible to boring insects or diseases. Moisture
should be replaced well before the trees begin to show
stress. Young trees may need up to 3 to 5 gallons of
water per week. Avoid frequent light watering with sprinklers
as this creates a shallow root system. A garden hose,
soaker hose, or drip system can provide good deep watering.
Sandy soils may have to be watered every 3 to 5 days;
heavier soils may need only to be watered every 1.5 to
2 weeks. During hot weather, young trees may need to
be watered more often. Avoid prolonged saturation. If
weather is windy, be sure to stake young trees, otherwise
they will lean in wet soils.
Do not water established trees near the trunk and
lower branches, as this promotes root and crown disease.
Water plants when needed around the drip line and beyond.
Avoid overhead sprinklers when possible. Try to water
deeply and infrequently (every 2 to 3 weeks) by irrigating
for 12 to 24 hours to wet to a 3- to 6-foot depth.
If using a drip system, water more on a continual basis.
Reduce water in late summer and fall.
Water plants around the drip line
and beyond
