UC IPM Home > Homes, Gardens, Landscapes, and Turf > Fruits and Nuts > Cultural Tips
How to Manage Pests
Pests in Gardens and Landscapes
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Figs do best in areas with full sun. They are hardy trees adapted to many soil conditions. They
grow best in soils with a depth of 4 feet or more but they also survive in shallower soils with hardpan
or claypan layers. Figs also grow on soils high in lime but are sensitive to excessive sodium and
boron. A reduction in yield and tipburn may be observed under these conditions. Avoid areas that
may accumulate water, leading to rots.
Figs, though tropical in appearance, are actually quite tolerant of a range of growing conditions.
They do well in areas where winter temperatures do not drop below 15° F. However, young trees may
be severely injured by early fall frosts where the temperature drops to 25° to 27° F or winter killed
with temperatures of 18° to 22° F. Warm daytime summer temperatures of 90° to 100° F are usually required
to produce a dried fig crop. Fresh figs do not require as high a temperature range.
Sites with late summer or fall rains should be avoided because this period of humidity may cause
the fruit to spoil or split before it is ready to harvest. |

low areas that accumulate water |