UC IPM Home > Homes, Gardens, Landscapes, and Turf > Fruits and Nuts > Cultural Tips
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Pests in Gardens and Landscapes
Harvesting and storing figs
Figs are fully ripe when they are soft and start to droop on their stems. They are ready for harvest
when they can be removed from the tree easily if lifted and bent back toward the branch. Figs that
are grown for drying are allowed to ripen fully then partially dry on the tree. As they begin to
fall off, they may be harvested and dried completely on drying trays. Pick the fallen fruit up quickly,
within a day or two, to avoid insect and disease problems. Fresh figs or figs for canning are harvested
as soon as they become fully colored but still firm. If milky latex sap exudes from the cut stem
end, the fruit is not fully ripe.
Figs can be stored in cool temperatures. |

Green fruit of edible fig