How to Manage Pests

Pests in Gardens and Landscapes

Site selection

Almonds and walnuts do best in areas with full sun and deep well-drained soils at least 4 to 6 feet deep. The best soils are fertile sandy loam soils. Avoid sandy, high-clay, or shallow soils. Almonds and walnuts are adapted to areas with adequate chilling, which for almonds is 400 to 500 hours below 45° F and for walnuts is 500 to 1000 hours below 45° F. Because almonds and walnuts bloom early, avoid planting where late spring frost occurs. Where frost does occur, expect that in some years crops will be light.

Avoid planting in sites that stay wet, such as frequently irrigated lawns, flower beds or soggy, wet soils. Do not plant in low spots or areas that flood frequently. If you are planting on a site where the soil is shallow because of a hardpan, break through the hardpan when preparing for planting. Do not plant trees too close together, as this may cause poor growth.

Almond tree at full bloom.
Avoid low areas that accumulate water

Statewide IPM Program, Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California
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Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California

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