UC IPM Home > Home, Gardens, Landscapes, and Turf > Environmental Disorders
How to Manage Pests
Pests in Gardens and Landscapes
Messy fruit
Olives can drop from trees late in the year. They can stain pavement.
Fruitless varieties such as 'Majestic Beauty', 'Swan Hill', and 'Monher', are available. They may, however,
have some fruit each year regardless of their "fruitless" designation. A foliar application
of a growth regulator, such as ethephon, may be applied to olive trees when flowers appear to avoid oily
wet pavement hazards. Applications must be made before fruit set. Prevent drift onto nearby fruit trees.
Spreading a tarp under trees and knocking off all fruit before they drop may also help to prevent the
problem. | 
Stained pavement