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Characteristics of Rust Diseases Affecting Small Grains

Disease Pustule Location Pustule Apperance Host Infected Host Specificity
Stripe rust Leaf, sheath, spike Yellow orange, form stripes Wheat, barley Different strain on each grain
Leaf rust Leaf, sheath Reddish orange, oval, small Wheat, barley One sp. on barley; separate sp. on wheat, rye, triticale
Stem rust Stem, leaf sheath Brick red, large, elongated, tattered edges Wheat, barley, oats One f. sp. on wheat barley; separate f. sp. on oats
Crown rust Leaf, sheath stem Reddish orange, oblong, smaller than stem rust Oats

Statewide IPM Program, Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California
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Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California

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