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Persea mite quick counting method:
Looking at the underside of each leaf, start at the petiole end. Locate the second major vein that goes strongly from the midrib to the left leaf edge. Ignore any partial, small, or weak veins. Examine the upper (towards the leaf tip) vein edge through a hand lens. Do not count mite eggs; do not count any visible mites located away from the vein and outside webbed or necrotic patches.
  • Count the persea mites adjacent to that upper edge of the second major vein.
  • Count mites in webbed nests or exposed necrotic feeding patches that touch the vein.
  • Count any other mites up against the vein.

Adapted from: Hoddle, M. S. 1998. University of California, Riverside. www.biocontrol.ucr.edu

Statewide IPM Program, Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California
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Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California

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