> Year-Round IPM Program > Preharvest > Other
Pests You May See
Other Pests and Damage You May See During Preharvest
On this page
- Cutworms
- Flea beetles
- Hornworms
- Leafminer damage
- Lygus damage
- Tomato pinworm damage
- Tomato psyllid nymph
- Whiteflies damage
Use the photos below to identify pests and
damage you may see during preharvest time such as whiteflies,
leafminers, hornworms, lygus, cutworms, psyllids, tomato pinworms,
and flea beetles. Names link to information on identification
and management.
Click on photos to enlarge

Identification tip: Cutworms are various colors, hide during the day, curl up into a C-shape when disturbed, and chew irregular holes in the surface of fruits, especially fruit touching the ground. |

Flea beetles damage
Identification tip: Flea beetles may feed below
the calyx on ripe tomato fruit. |

Identification tip: Both species of hornworms have
a large horn on the posterior end of the body. The tobacco
hornworm (shown above) has seven diagonal stripes on each
side of the body, in contrast to the tomato hornworm, which
has eight chevron-shaped stripes. They can cause substantial
defoliation. |

Leafminer damage
Identification tip: Leafminer feeding results in
slender, white, mined leaflets.

Lygus damage
Identification tip: Fruit skin usually splits over
the site of lygus bug feeding injury. |

Tomato pinworm damage
Identification tip: Tomato pinworm eats its way
through the calyx and continues tunneling in the fruit. |

Tomato psyllid (nymph)
Identification tip: Younger nymphs (bottom) have
scalelike flattened, oval, yellowish green to orangish
bodies with red eyes and three pairs of short legs. Older
nymphs (top) are greenish and fringed with hairs and have
wing buds, which make them easy to distinguish from whitefly

Whiteflies damage
Identification tip: Silverleaf whitefly damage causes
uneven ripening. |