Curly top
Identification tip: Plants turn yellow to bronze
in color with purple-tinged leaves. Plants become stiff
and soon die; green
fruit turns red, regardless of age. |

Alfalfa mosaic virus
Identification tip: Typical leaf symptoms on plants with
alfalfa mosaic include bright yellow blotches with some mottle. |

Tomato spotted wilt
Identification tip: Plants infected with tomato
spotted wilt virus exhibit bronzing of the upper sides
of young leaves, which later develop distinct, necrotic
spots. Green fruit show slightly raised
areas with faint, concentric
zones. |

Tobacco mosaic tobamoviruses
Identification tip: Symptoms on tomato plants infected
with tobacco mosaic viruses vary with the cultivar and
the specific virus or strain. A mild mosaic develops on
leaves with some leaf malformation, including a fernlike
appearance. For fruit symptoms see PMG.
Photo not available.
virus diseases caused by potyviruses
Identification tip: Although symptoms vary,
plants generally develop an
overall lighter coloring and a
bushy appearance. Close up
symptoms include a mosaic
especially on younger leaves.
Leaves may be curled. For fruit symptoms see PMG.