> Year-Round IPM Program > Bloom > Natural
Enemies of Aphids
Identifying Natural Enemies of Aphids
On this page
- Aphids mummified
by parasitic wasps
- Parasitic wasps
- Bigeyed bug
- Syrphid fly
- Green lacewings
- Damsel bugs
- Minute pirate bugs
- Fungus-killed
peach aphids
- Convergent lady beetle larva
- Convergent lady beetle adult
- Sevenspotted lady beetle larva
- Sevenspoted lady beetle adult
Naturally occurring parasites, predators, and diseases are common
and can provide control of aphids. Use the photos below to identify
natural enemies. Names link to more information on identification
and biology.
Click on photos to enlarge
enemies of aphids |

Aphids mummified by parasitic wasps
Identification tip: The dead black aphid above has been
parasitized by an Aphelinid wasp. Aphids parasitized
by other wasp species may form beige mummies. |

Parasitic wasps
Identification tip: Parasitic wasps such as Lysiphlebus testaceipes kill
aphids, causing them to become golden-brown mummies. |

Bigeyed bug
Identification tip: Adults and nymphs are oval, somewhat
flattened, about 1/4 of an inch long, with a wide head and
prominent bulging eyes. |
Syrphid fly
Identification tip: Larvae are legless, maggot shaped,
and opaque with tapered heads.

Green lacewings
Identification tip: Larvae are flattened, pale with
dark markings, a tapered tail, and prominent mandibles.
They are shaped like tiny alligators measuring 1/8 to 4/5
of an inch long.
Damsel bugs
Identification tip: Adults (bottom) are slender insects
that are mostly yellowish, gray, or dull brown, measuring
about 2/5 of an inch long, and have elongated heads and long
antennae. |

Minute pirate
Identification tip: Adults are small, 1/12 to 1/5 of
an inch long, oval, black or purplish with white markings,
and have a triangular head. |

Fungus-killed (Entomophthora aphidis) green peach
Identification tip: Look for aphids that appear fuzzy
and orangish. Monitor especially during humid weather when
fungal pathogens are more prevalent.
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