Monitor the previous crop and adjacent
areas for signs of vertebrates that may invade and damage strawberries—watch
for them when monitoring strawberry fields during the season.
Names link to more information on identification
and biology.
Click on photos to enlarge

Pocket gopher mound
Identification tip: Mound at burrow entrance usually
crescent shaped, opening plugged. |

Pocket gopher mounds
Identification tip: Mounds in
rows or on edges of planting beds. |

Ground squirrel burrow
Identification tip: Burrow openings about
4 inches in diameter, never plugged. |

Ground squirrel adult
Identification tip: Brown to
gray; about the size of a small cat; slightly bushy tail;
active aboveground during the day. |

Ground squirrel damage
Identification tip: Fruit damaged
by ground squirrels often has discernible tooth marks. |

Vole runways and
burrow openings
Identification tip: Runways connecting
numerous, shallow burrows in grassy or weedy areas;
burrow openings 1-1/2 to
2 inches in diameter. |

Vole adult
Identification tip: Gray to brown; look
like large mice; inconspicuous ears; short, somewhat hairy
tail; active aboveground during the day. |

Mole mound
Identification tip: Mound at burrow opening circular in
shape; burrow opening in center plugged. |

Mole feeding tunnel
Identification tip: Feeding tunnels
appear as ridges of soil pushed up from beneath. |

Deer damage
Identification tip: Foliage nipped from plants. |

Deer hoof print
Identification tip: Cloven hoof prints. |