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Spider Mites and Caterpillars

Monitor fields after planting for spider mites and caterpillar damage to young transplants. Names link to more information on identification and management.

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Twospotted spider mite
Twospotted spider mite
Identification tip: Yellow stippling and discoloration of foliage. Infestations usually not heavy enough to cause visible symptoms.


Twospotted spider mite
Twospotted spider mite
Identification tip: Moving dots on undersides of leaflets. With hand lens: yellowish, pale green, or orange; dark blotch on each side; two red eyespots on head; eggs spherical.

Carmine spider mite adult
Carmine spider mite adult
Identification tip: Similar to twospotted spider mite in size and shape, but deep red; dark blotch on each side.

Photo not available.
Cutworms, armyworms damage
Identification tip: Irregular holes in foliage; stems chewed through; chewing damage to crowns of young plants.

Beet armyworm larva
Beet armyworm larva
Identification tip: Green, smooth-skinned caterpillar with light stripes along the sides; present on plants during the day.

Cutworm larva
Cutworm larva
Identification tip: Smooth-skinned, brown caterpillars; curl into a C-shape when disturbed; hide in soil underneath plants during the day

During Harvest

Garden tortrix damage
Garden tortrix damage
Identification tip: Silk webbing on fruit or leaves; leaflets may be webbed together or webbed to fruit.

Garden tortrix larva
Garden tortrix larva
Identification tip: Small, gray-green caterpillar with light brown head.

Garden tortix adult
Garden tortrix adult
Identification tip: Small, light brown moth; wings folded in bell shape when at rest; dark brown chevron pattern on wings.


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Statewide IPM Program, Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California
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Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California

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