Common scab
Identification tip: Irregularly shaped lesions
in patches with dark brown, corky tissue; may appear raised
above the tuber surface or as sunken pits.
Powdery scab
Identification tip: Dark, pimple- or wart-like
pustules about 1/8 to 1/4 inch in diameter.
Identification tip: Brownish purple areas with black
margins on tuber surface; underlying rotted tissue is coppery
brown, granular, lacking distinct margins.
Silver scurf
Identification tip: Light brown or grayish, leathery,
shiny patches on tuber surface; lesions may turn dark
and sooty.
Black dot
Identification tip: Gray patches on the tuber surface
resemble silver scurf; tiny black dots within lesions
distinguish black dot from silver scurf.
Rhizoctonia (black scurf)
Identification tip: Hard, irregularly-shaped black
flecks in the surface that do not penetrate the skin and
are not easily rubbed off.