Field bindweed (perennial)
(Convolvulus arvensis): Morningglory family; perennial, with most new
shoots and seedlings emerging in spring; seed leaves nearly square, with shallow
notch at tip; early true leaves spade shaped; petioles flattened. |
Elytrigia repens (=Elymus repens): Grass family; perennial;
occurs in cooler Northern California and coastal areas; first
leaf blade narrow with short, membranous ligule that is minutely
fringed; auricles may be undeveloped or difficult to see; leaf
blades light green or covered with a white bloom; sheaths smooth
or hairy; difficult to distinguish from other grass seedlings;
perennial rhizomes develop by the 6- to 8-leaf stage. |
(Cyperus spp.): Sedge family; perennial; first leaves
inconspicuous and grasslike; grow mainly from tubers or "nutlets"
formed on rhizomes, mostly in upper foot of soil; in cross
section, leaves V-shaped, arranged in sets of three at base,
and stems triangular. |
Canada thistle
(Cirsium arvense): Sunflower family; perennial; scattered throughout
California except southern Sierra Nevada, southern deserts, and Channel
Islands; seed leaves oval to oblong, fused at base, shiny midvein on lower
surface; first leaves alternate, taper to a winged stalk at base, margins
slightly wavy to unevenly toothed, surfaces covered with stiff hairs.