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Identifying Damage to Fruit

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Brown rot on fruit
Brown rot on fruit
Identification tip:
Brown rot on fruit is evidenced by powdery tan masses of spores.
Green fruitworm
Green fruitworms
Identification tip:
Green fruitworm damage appears as large holes that have scabbed over.
Leaf webbed to the surface of two prunes damaged by an obliquebanded leafroller larva, Choristoneura rosaceana.
Leafrollers (Fruittree and Obliquebanded)
Identification tip: Leafrollers may tie a leaf to the surface of the fruit and feed in the area underneath.
Peach twig borer larvae feeding on prunes.
Peach twig borer
Identification tip: The larva generally enters fruit at the stem end or along the suture and feeds just under the skin.
Red halos forming around San Jose scale, Diaspidiotus perniciosus, infesting the surface of a green plum.
San Jose scale
Identification tip: Scale on fruit cause fruit spotting.

Statewide IPM Program, Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California
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Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California

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