
Why is harvest important in an IPM program?

Harvesting early is important for managing navel orangeworm (and thus aflatoxin) and Alternaria late blight. The longer the nuts remain in the orchard after hull split, the more likely you are to have pest damage. If navel orangeworm infestation is severe, the orchard can be harvested twice; once to remove early-ripening nuts and a second time for later-ripening ones. Hull and dry nuts within 24 hours of harvest to reduce incidence of postharvest disease.

During harvest, monitor the orchard for Alternaria late blight and Botryosphaeria panicle and shoot blight and note the severity of infected trees for next year’s management. Monitor first-year newly-budded trees for cotton aphid and managed for them if needed.

Evaluate this year’s pest management program using the processing plant grade sheet to prepare for next year’s program. It can give you information about levels of navel orangeworm, large and small bug damage, and disease infestation levels.

Statewide IPM Program, Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California
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Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California

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