
Summer Annual Weeds

On this page
  • Annual sowthistle
  • Black nightshade
  • Common lambsquarters
  • Common purslane
  • Hairy nightshade
  • Nettleleaf goosefoot
Names link to more information on biology and management. Click on photos to enlarge.
Annual sowthistle seedling.
Annual sowthistle
(Sonchus oleraceus): Sunflower family. Summer or winter annual; seed leaves markedly stalked, almost spoon-shaped, rounded at tip and often have grayish powdery bloom; injured tissue bleeds milky white latex.
Black nightshade seedling.
Black nightshade
(Solanum nigrum): Nightshade family. Summer annual or short-lived perennial; seed leaves oval and pointed; first true leaves spade shaped with smooth edges; lower surfaces often purple; petioles, stems, and leaves with some hairs.
Seedling of common lambsquarters.
Common lambsquarters
(Chenopodium album): Goosefoot family. Seed leaves are narrow, with nearly parallel sides; seed leaves and early true leaves dull blue green above and often purple below; young leaves have mealy appearance from coating of fine translucent granules.
Seedling of common purslane.
Common purslane
(Portulaca oleracea): Purslane family; summer annual; seed leaves oblong, somewhat club shaped, succulent, maroon on lower surface, and green or maroon on upper surface; young leaves smooth, succulent, oblong, green on upper surface, maroonish underneath, and broadest around leaf tip, with short petioles.
Hairy nightshade seedling.
Hairy nightshade
(Solanum physalifolium=Solanum sarrachoides): Nightshade family; summer annual; seed leaves narrow, small, and lance shaped with very short soft hairs along edges; first true leaves with wavy edges and prominent veins.
Seedling of nettleleaf goosefoot.
Nettleleaf goosefoot
(Chenopodium murale): Goosefoot family; summer annual; seed leaves oblong to narrowly lance shaped, dark green; true leaves weakly toothed, leaf surfaces, especially lower surface, sparsely covered with tiny dotlike scales.

Statewide IPM Program, Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California
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Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California

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