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Pest Damage at Harvest

On this page
Damage caused by
  • Lygus bug
  • Stink bug
  • Western boxelder bug
  • Codling moth
  • Fruittree leafroller
  • Green fruitworm
  • Obliquebanded leafroller
  • Thrips
  • Mealybugs (grape, obscure)
  • Pear blister mite
  • Pear rust mite
  • Pear psylla
  • San Jose scale
  • Katydid
  • Pear scab

Names link to more information on identification and management.

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Lygus bug damage
Lygus bug damage
Identification tip: Irregular-shaped depressions with open pustules; if fruit is peeled, hard cells clustered into a core can be seen in flesh beneath pustule.

Stink bug damage
Stink bug and western boxelder bug damage
Identification tip: Irregularly darker depressed areas on mature fruit with white pithy areas under skin.
Codling moth damage
Codling moth damage
Identification tip:  Two types of damage: stings—larva bores short distance into flesh; deep entries—larva bores to core and feeds in seed cavity.
Fruittree leafroller
Leafroller damage
Identification tip: Misshapen fruit with deep, bronze-colored scars and roughened, netlike surface, caused by fruittree leafroller or obliquebanded leafroller early season feeding.
Fruittree leafroller damage
Obliquebanded leafroller damage
Identification tip: Superficial skin feeding by summer generation larva.

Green fruitworm damage
Green fruitworm damage
Identification tip: Misshapen fruit with large, roughened, russeted cavities caused by early season feeding.

Damage by western flower thrips
Western flower thrips damage
Identification tip: Small scattered, russet spots 1/8 to 1/4 inch in diameter. Spots may radiate from calyx or be scattered over fruit surface.
Mealybug damage
Mealybug (grape, obscure) damage
Identification tip:Honeydew and russeting on calyx end.
Pearleaf blister mite damage
Pearleaf blister mite damage
Identification tip: Slightly convex, oval russet spots, 1/4 to 1/2 inch in diameter with surrounding halo of clear tissue. Spots frequently run together, often leaving fruit deformed and misshapen.
Pear rust mite damage
Pear rust mite damage
Identification tip: Uniform bronzing of the fruit surface, often localized around calyx or stem end.
Pear psylla damage
Pear psylla damage
Identification tip: Black sooty mold on honeydew and russeting of fruit skin.
San Jose scale damage
San Jose scale damage
Identification tip: Reddish purple ring (halo) surrounding feeding site. Bumpy, misshapen and stunted fruit.
Katydid feeding damage
Katydid damage
Identification tip: Bite marks approximately 1/3 inch wide and 1/5 inch deep.
Pear scab damage
Pear scab damage
Identification tip: Scablike spots and misshapen fruit.
Pear scab damage
Pear scab secondary damage
Identification tip: Large scab and secondary pinpoint lesions on ripe fruit.

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Statewide IPM Program, Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California
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Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California

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