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Pests Monitored During Bloom

On this page
  • Obliquebanded leafroller larva
  • Codling moth
  • Green fruitworm
  • European red mite
  • Pear rust mite
  • Pear psylla
  • Mealybugs (grape, obscure)
  • Western flower thrips

Names link to more information on identification and management.

Click on photos to enlarge
Larva of obliquebanded leafroller.
Obliquebanded leafroller young instar larva
Identification tip: Greenish yellow caterpillars with brown to black heads.
Codling moth
Codling moth adults
Identification tip: About 3/8-inch long with gray wings and a coppery-tinged, dark brown band at wing tip.
Green fruitworm
Green fruitworm larva
Identification tip: Pale green, often with whitish stripes down each side of body and narrow stripe down middle of back.
European red mite egg
European red mite eggs
Identification tip: Globular and red with a slender stalk (stipe) rising from the top center.

European red mite egg
European red mite adult
Identification tip: Dark red with white spots at base of 6 to 8 hairs on back.

Pear rust mite
Pear rust mites
Identification tip: Tiny, tan, and wedge shaped, with wider end at the head; found in developing clusters and on new leaves.
Pear psylla eggs
Pear psylla eggs
Identification tip: Tiny, elongated yellowish eggs laid on or near fruit spurs.
Pear psylla nymphs
Pear psylla nymph
Identification tip: First and second stage nymphs yellow with red eyes; bodies encased in honeydew.
Mealybug (grape, obscure) crawlers
Identification tip: Brownish orange, soft, segmented, oval body that is lightly coated with a white waxy secretion.
Western flower thrips
Western flower thrips adult
Identification tip: Slender-bodied insects less than 1/16 inch long. Range from clear lemon yellow to dark brown, and have feathery wings.

Statewide IPM Program, Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California
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Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California

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