(Cynodon dactylon): Grass family; perennial; mature
plant forms dense mats with spreading and branching stolons
that root at nodes; flowering spikes radiate from a single
point at tip of stem; collar region has fringe of short,
white hairs. |

(Paspalum dilatatum): Grass family; mature plant 1
to 4 ft tall unless mowed; flower head consists of 3 to 6
spikes that arise apart on stem and often droop; leaf sheath
flattened, hairy, and often tinged red at base. |

Field bindweed
(Convolvulus arvensis): Morningglory family; perennial;
leaves are spade or bell-shaped, lobed at base, and attached
to flattened petioles; stems trail on ground or climb on
upright plants; trumpet-shaped white to purplish flowers
close each afternoon and reopen the following day. |

(Sorghum halepense): Grass family; perennial; grows
in spreading, leafy patches that may be as tall as 6 to 7
ft; leaves have prominent whitish midvein, which snaps readily
when folded over; flower head is large, open, well-branched,
and often reddish tinged. |

White clover
(Trifolium repens): Pea family; perennial; each leaflet
may have a whitish circular band within the center; flower
forms a ball-shaped cluster; leaves trifoliolate (3 leaflets
per leaf) smooth, alternate, lower surface gray-green, upper
surface-green; plant forms large clump with branching stems
4 to 12 inches long. |

Yellow nutsedge
(Cyperus esculentus): Sedge family; perennial; grow
mainly from nutlets on rhizomes, mostly in upper foot of
soil; leaves are V-shaped in cross section and arranged in
sets of three at the base; stems are triangular in cross
section. |