Each name links to a guideline with more identification and management information.
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Peach twig borer Identification tip: The peach twig borer larva generally enters fruit at the stem end or along
the suture and feeds just under the skin.
Oriental fruit moth Identification tip: Small larvae of oriental fruit
moth bore into the fruit, often at the stem end or where
two fruit are touching, and feed in the pit area.
Obliquebanded leafroller and omnivorous
leafroller Identification tip: Obliquebanded leafroller and omnivorous
leafroller cause similar damage by chewing shallow channels
in the fruit surface, resulting in small surface scars. Leaves
may be webbed to the fruit.
San Jose scale Identification tip: San Jose scale on fruit can cause
fruit spotting.
Stink bugs Identification tip: Stink bug feeding causes depressions
in young green fruit.
Plant bugs (Calocoris) Identification tip: Plant bug feeding on green fruit
creates small, bluish-green spots.
Katydids Identification tip: The corky patch on this fruit
is typical of katydid damage.
Thrips Identification tip: Feeding by thrips scars the surface
of the fruit; eventually these scars enlarge as the fruit
grows, and may cause fruit deformity.
Fruit rot Identification tip: Ripe fruit rot first appears as
small dark spots that rapidly enlarge and eventually contain
grayish tufts of spores on the surface.
Rust Identification tip: Small, sunken spots caused by
rust may be confused with stink bug damage, but the presence
of rust spots on foliage helps identify the disease.