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Perennial Weeds You May See—Bloom Season

Each name links to more information on identification and biology.

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White clover
(Trifolium repens): Pea family; perennial; seed leaves spatulate, smooth; blades taper into petiole; first leaf simple, truncated at base, round to broadly oval; later leaves trifoliolate (3 leaflets per leaf) smooth, alternate, lower surface gray-green, upper surface-green; usually light green splotch near base of each leaflet.
Johnsongrass (Sorghum halepense): Grass family; perennial; first leaves with white midvein, 8 times longer than wide and rolled in bud; ligule membranous below and fringed or toothed above; no auricles.
(Paspalum dilatatum): Grass family; perennial; first leaves rolled in bud; ligule membranous and tall, with bluntly pointed or rounded tip; no auricles; sheaths with prominent midrib and flattened; first leaf sheaths softly hairy.
Yellow nutsedge.
Yellow nutsedge
(Cyperus esculentus): Sedge family; perennial; grasslike; light-green blades, flat, slender; leaf tip long and drawn out; nutlets globe shaped, smooth, and almond flavored.
(Cynodon dactylon): Grass family; perennial; first leaves with somewhat rough surface; ligule present; tuft of long hairs on either side of ligule; stem flat, wiry, and without hairs.
Field bindweed.
Field bindweed
(Convolvulus arvensis): Morningglory family; perennial; seed leaves nearly square, with shallow notch at tip; early true leaves are spade shaped; petioles are flattened.

Statewide IPM Program, Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California
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Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California

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