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Damage to Fruit in Harvest Sample

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Peach twig borer damage.
Peach twig borer
Identification tip: The peach twig borer larva generally enters fruit and feeds just under the skin.
Oriental fruit moth damage.
Oriental fruit moth
Identification tip: Small larvae of oriental fruit moth bore into the fruit, often at the stem end or where two fruit are touching, and feed in the pit area.
Damage caused by leafrollers.
Obliquebanded leafroller and omnivorous leafroller
Identification tip: Obliquebanded leafroller and omnivorous leafroller cause similar damage by chewing shallow channels in the fruit surface, resulting in small surface scars. Leaves may be webbed to fruit.
San Jose scale damage.
San Jose scale
Identification tip:
San Jose scale on fruit can cause fruit spotting.
Stink bug damage.
Stink bugs
Identification tip: Stink bug feeding distorts fruit shape.
Plant bug damage.
Plant bugs (Calocoris)
Identification tip: Plant bug feeding causes distortions in shape and small slits on the fruit surface.
Katydid damage.
Identification tip: The corky patch on this fruit is typical of katydid damage.
Fruit rot damage.
Fruit rot
Identification tip: Ripe fruit rot first appears as grayish tufts of spores on the fruit surface.
Rust damage.
Identification tip: Small, sunken spots caused by rust may be confused with stink bug damage, but the presence of rust spots on foliage helps identify the disease.
Identification tip: Scab lesions on mature fruit may have green or yellow halos and tend to be concentrated on the portion of the fruit that faced upward on the tree.
Thrips feeding damage
Western flower thrips
Identification tip: Thrips feeding scars the surface of fruit and gives it a silvered or mottled appearance.

Statewide IPM Program, Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California
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Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California

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