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Other Pests You May See—Dormant Season

Each name links to more information on identification and management.

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Pile of frass at entrance of peach twig borer hibernaculum.
Peach twig borer hibernacula
Identification tip: Hibernacula are most commonly found in the crotches of 2- or 3-year-old wood. Look for tiny piles of reddish frass.
Peach silver mite.
Peach silver mite
Identification tip: You will need a hand lens with at least 10X power to see these tiny, wedge-shaped, four-legged mites that overwinter around buds and under bud scales.
Fruittree leafroller.
Fruittree leafroller eggs
Identification tip: Overlapping eggs are laid in masses on limbs and twigs; initially they are covered with a gray secretion that turns white upon aging.
Armillaria root rot.
Armillaria root rot
Identification tip: Leaves often turn pale and wilt, usually on one side of the tree. White fungus can be seen if the bark is peeled from the trunk where it meets the soil.
Identification tip: Voles chew the bark off trees, just above and below the soil line.
The crown and lower trunk of this tree have been girdled by voles, Microtus sp.
Pocket gophers
Identification tip: Pocket gopher mounds are generally fan shaped and have a plugged opening.
Stink bugs—Generally found on orchard floor in trash or ground cover at this time of year.
Consperse stink bug.
Consperse stink bug
Identification tip: Adults have gray-brown to green bodies with yellow to orange legs and antennae that have darkened tips. The body and legs are covered with small black specks.
Green stink bug.
Green stink bug
Identification tip: Adult green stink bugs, also known as green soldier bugs, are bright green with the entire lateral margin lined in yellow or orange.
Redshouldered stink bug.
Redshouldered stink bug
Identification tip: Although a predominantly green stink bug with a narrow red band across the shoulder, frequently the overwintering adults tend to be brown and the band may be absent.
No photo available
Uhler’s stink bug
Identification tip: Adults are green with a yellow margin on the sides of the abdomen and 3 spots spaced horizontally on the ventral side.
Adult rough shield bug
Do not confuse Uhler's stink bug with the rough stink bug, Brochymena quadripustulata, a predator that is speckled white and gray and has a rough, sculptured appearance.
Tree borers
American plum borer.
American plum borer or prune limb borer
Identification tip: Extensive gumming around scaffold crotches, at pruning wounds, or in crown galls can indicate the presence of this borer.
Pacific flatheaded borer.
Pacific flatheaded borer
Identification tip: Larvae feed under the bark of limbs or the tree trunk, causing the bark above their mines to appear rough and broken.
Shothole borer.
Shothole borer
Identification tip: The presence of small holes on a branch is characteristic of a shothole borer attack.
Peachtree borer.
Peachtree borer
Identification tip: Look for gumming near the base of the tree trunk.
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Statewide IPM Program, Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California
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Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California

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